Deploy a Java Function App on Azure using GitHub Actions:
Create a Java Function App. (You can create it from the Azure Portal)
- Create a RBAC rule using the following command. We will use this later to authorize GitHub to deploy to Function App. Copy the JSON output from this command:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "myApp" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{app-name} --sdk-auth
Go to your Github Repository -> Settings -> Secrets
Create a new secret “AZURE_CREDENTIALS” and paste the JSON copied above as the value. - Go to GitHub Actions and create a New Workflow.
You can use the following YAML sample:
# Action Requires
# 1. Setup the AZURE_CREDENTIALS secrets in your GitHub Repository
# 2. Replace PLEASE_REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_FUNCTION_APP_NAME with your Azure function app name
# 3. Replace POM_ARTIFACT_ID with the value in project <artifactId> in pom.xml
# 4. Replace POM_FUNCTION_APP_NAME with the value in properties <functionAppName> in pom.xml
# 5. Add this yaml file to your project's .github/workflows/
# 6. Push your local project to your GitHub Repository
name: Windows_Java_Workflow
- master
runs-on: windows-latest
- name: 'Checkout GitHub Action'
uses: actions/checkout@master
# If you want to use publish profile credentials instead of Azure Service Principal
# Please comment this 'Login via Azure CLI' block
- name: 'Login via Azure CLI'
uses: azure/login@v1
creds: $
- name: Setup Java 1.8.x
uses: actions/setup-java@v1
# If your pom.xml <maven.compiler.source> version is not in 1.8.x
# Please change the Java version to match the version in pom.xml <maven.compiler.source>
java-version: '1.8.x'
- name: 'Run mvn'
shell: pwsh
run: |
# If your function app project is not located in your repository's root
# Please change your directory for maven build in pushd
pushd ./
mvn clean package
mvn azure-functions:package
- name: 'Run Azure Functions Action'
uses: Azure/functions-action@v1
id: fa
app-name: gaukJavaFunctionApp
# If your function app project is not located in your repository's root
# Please consider prefixing the project path in this package parameter
package: ./target/azure-functions/gaukJavaFunctionApp
# If you want to use publish profile credentials instead of Azure Service Principal
# Please uncomment the following line
# publish-profile: $
#- name: 'use the published functionapp url in upcoming steps'
# run: |
# echo "$"
# For more information on GitHub Actions:
Ensure that the required values have been updated in the YAML file:
- Setup the AZURE_CREDENTIALS secrets in your GitHub Repository
- Replace PLEASE_REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_FUNCTION_APP_NAME with your Azure function app name
- Replace POM_ARTIFACT_ID with the value in project
in pom.xml - Replace POM_FUNCTION_APP_NAME with the value in properties
in pom.xml
Commit the changes and it should trigger the build and deploy automatically. That’s it!
Useful Links: