Posts Design Patterns: Index

Design Patterns: Index


Creational Design Patterns

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Singleton: A pattern that ensures a class has only one instance.

:building_construction: Builder: A pattern to construct complex objects step by step.

:clipboard: Prototype: A pattern to create new objects by cloning existing ones.

:factory: Factory: A pattern to create objects without specifying their concrete classes.

Structural Design Patterns

:electric_plug: Adapter: A pattern to make incompatible interfaces work together.

:art: Decorator: A pattern to add behavior to an object dynamically.

:door: Facade: A pattern to provide a simplified interface to a complex subsystem.

:balloon: Flyweight: A pattern to minimize memory usage by sharing data among objects.

Behavioral Design Patterns

:dart: Strategy: A pattern to encapsulate interchangeable algorithms.

:eyes: Observer: A pattern to define a one-to-many dependency between objects.

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