There are a couple of ways to set the JVM arguments to Apps running on Azure Spring Cloud.

Using CLI

You can use the following command to find the different configurations which can be updated for the Apps:

az spring-cloud app update --help

As of now, below are the arguments we can use:

    --name -n        [Required] : Name of app.
    --deployment -d             : Name of an existing deployment of the app. Default to the
                                  production deployment if not specified.
    --enable-persistent-storage : If true, mount a 50G disk with default path.  Allowed values:
                                  false, true.
    --env                       : Space-separated environment variables in 'key[=value]' format.
    --is-public                 : If true, assign public domain.  Allowed values: false, true.
    --jvm-options               : A string containing jvm options, use '=' instead of ' ' for this
                                  argument to avoid bash parse error, eg: --jvm-options='-Xms1024m
    --resource-group -g         : Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using
                                  `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.  Config: SpringCloud.
    --runtime-version           : Runtime version of used language.  Allowed values: Java_11,
    --service -s                : Name of Azure Spring Cloud, you can configure the default service
                                  using az configure --defaults spring-cloud=<name>.  Config:

Via Azure Portal

Just go to the App in Azure Spring Cloud, and configure JVM arguments via Configurations blade -> General Settings:


Via Command Line

az spring-cloud app update -n my-micro-service --jvm-options='-Xms256m -Xmx512m'

:exclamation: This assumes that you have already set the default Resouce Group and Spring Cloud resource, which can be done using:

az configure --defaults group=$AZ_RESOURCE_GROUP
az configure --defaults spring-cloud=$AZ_SPRING_CLOUD_NAME

:exclamation: Use double-quotes when using command-line on Windows.