There are multiple ways of downloading files from Azure WebApps, some of which include:

There is another way, which does not require you to login to the Azure Portal, and it can be used for any Docker container which has SSH enabled.

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Refer to the following documentation on how to configure SSH: Documentation

:exclamation: NOTE: The documentation contains an example, and the actual commands/configurations would also depend on the base image being used in the Dockerfile.

Here is how you can use pscp to copy files to a WebApp for Containers (Linux) on Azure:

  • Create a remote connection using a tcp tunnel to your web app:
    az webapp create-remote-connection -g RESOURCE_GROUP -n APP_NAME -p 2222

  • Then copy the required files using pscp: [ PSCP is part of the PuTTY tool suite for Windows ]
    pscp -P 2222 root@localhost:/home/test.log .

:exclamation: NOTE: You would need to provide the root password here. This is usually set using the following directive:

RUN echo "root:Docker!" | chpasswd

That’s it! :v: