There are multiple ways of downloading files from Azure WebApps, some of which include:
There is another way, which does not require you to login to the Azure Portal, and it can be used for any Docker container which has SSH enabled.
Refer to the following documentation on how to configure SSH: Documentation
NOTE: The documentation contains an example, and the actual commands/configurations would also depend on the base image being used in the Dockerfile.
Here is how you can use pscp to copy files to a WebApp for Containers (Linux) on Azure:
Create a remote connection using a tcp tunnel to your web app:
az webapp create-remote-connection -g RESOURCE_GROUP -n APP_NAME -p 2222
Then copy the required files using pscp: [ PSCP is part of the PuTTY tool suite for Windows ]
pscp -P 2222 root@localhost:/home/test.log .
NOTE: You would need to provide the root password here. This is usually set using the following directive:
RUN echo "root:Docker!" | chpasswd
That’s it!